For the past week I’ve been kind of tense, especially since after the last clearance, when it dawned on me that this was the second to the last clearance i would do, before passing out from the NYSC . One more clearance and it would be all over. No more Clearance, no more CD meetings (Which i barely attended), no more General CD, no more having to deal with power crazy NYSC officials and My all time favourite no more queues. In less than eight weeks, it will be all over.
As the days pass, I’ve been feeling a little more tense. It's like there's something in the air. It 's subtle but its there. Employment issues, and therefore many questions. After Youth Service, what next? How do I go about getting a job (the big job in VI no less)? Now there lies the source of my tension.
Eight weeks more and we’ll be collecting our last allawi from Government and we’ll be going into the labour market. I must admit, after almost one year of collecting that allawi I’m kind of used to it and I know most of us will miss it when it's all over.
It's all we talk about now, my corper friends and I. Which company is hiring, which one is accepting resumes blah blah...
We applied to Nigerian breweries, and my tracking code was 46,270 yep that’s forty-six thousand two hundred and seventy. My friend's was 58,100 that’s fifty- eight thousand one hundred and we began to wonder if the tracking code was an indication of the number of people that were applying to Nigerian breweries at the time, then what were our chances.
Eight more weeks and it will be all over. I’m scared, happy, excited and curious all at the same time. I’m scared of what lies ahead but at the same time I’m excited and curious to know what the future will bring. I’m thankful to God for seeing me through this NYSC (I believe he already has). And for all that I’ve been privileged to learn and to discover, for the grace to find myself, for the opportunity to add value to myself as an individual and to my career, for the people I’ve had the opportunity to meet and for so many other things. For all these things and more, I’m happy
But I’m still scared and I wonder Will all my dreams come true?